
Showing posts from November, 2023

Long-Acting PrEP in Europe's Fight Against HIV

Europe's advances in HIV prevention strategies, including PrEP and long-acting retrovirals, bring hope amidst persistent access challenges and disparities. Medscape Medical News source

FDA Clears Vivos Therapeutics' Oral Device for Sleep Apnea

Vivos Therapeutics said on Wednesday the US health regulator has cleared its oral device for severe obstructive sleep apnea, leading a massive rally in the company's shares before the bell. Reuters Health Information source

US Health Insurers Humana, Cigna in Talks to Merge: Source

US health insurer Cigna is in talks to merge with peer Humana, a deal that could exceed $60 billion in value and would be certain to attract fierce antitrust scrutiny. Reuters Health Information source

Underdiagnosed: Anemia in Pregnancy

Clinicians should screen patients who are pregnant for iron deficiency anemia, experts said. Medscape Medical News source

Parental Stress and Depression Linked to Childhood Asthma

Data from a national sample of Australian children showed worse asthma symptoms in the presence of family hardships, maternal depression, and other stressors. Medscape Medical News source

SpringWorks' Noncancerous Tumor Drug to Cost $29,000 Per Month

SpringWorks Therapeutics' drug for treating adult patients with a type of rare noncancerous soft-tissue tumor will be sold in the US at a list price of $29,000 for a 30-day supply. Reuters Health Information source

FDA Flags New Problem With Philips Machines, Shares Fall

The FDA said it is alerting patients of a new safety issue with machines made by the group that are used for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. Reuters Health Information source

WHO Authorizes Emergency Use of Novavax's Updated COVID Shot

Novavax's updated vaccine has been granted emergency-use authorization by WHO for active immunization to prevent COVID-19 in individuals aged 12 and older, the company said on Tuesday. Reuters Health Information source

FDA OKs New Agent to Block Chemotherapy-Induced Neutropenia

The new colony-stimulating factor from China proved comparable to pegfilgrastim (Neulasta) in clinical testing. MDedge News source

UK Reaches Deal With Unions Which Could End Doctor Strikes

The British government and medical trade unions said on Monday they had reached a deal which could see an end to months of disruptive strike action by senior doctors in England. Reuters Health Information source

More Weight Loss With Mounjaro Than Ozempic: Data Analysis

Overweight or obese adults lost more weight and shed pounds faster using Eli Lilly's Mounjaro than those taking Novo Nordisk's popular rival weight loss drug. Reuters Health Information source

Uric Acid Levels May Influence Mortality in OSA

Data from NHANES showed a nonlinear association between serum uric acid levels and all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality. Medscape Medical News source

Long-Term Organ Preservation in Rectal Cancer Is Possible

Long-term data from the OPRA trial show organ preservation at 5 years in about half of patients with stage II/III rectal adenocarcinoma who received total neoadjuvant therapy. Medscape Medical News source

Alzheimer's Blood Test Coming Within 5 Years, UK Pledges

Leading UK Alzheimer's organizations have launched an ambitious plan to have a diagnostic Alzheimer's blood test widely available within the next 5 years. Medscape Medical News source

Not All Exercise Is Beneficial: The PA Paradox Explained

Occupational, but not leisure-time, physical activity is linked to higher risks for dementia, cardiovascular disease, and mortality. Here's why. Medscape Medical News source

Parent Concerns a Factor When Treating Patients With AD

For a parent whose child has an inflammatory skin disease, pigmentation changes, rather than inflammation, might be the reason that he or she brought the child to the clinician. MDedge News source

Chronic Pain in the US: New Data

In 2020, 25% of US adults with chronic pain managed their symptoms with medication alone versus nonpharmalogic treatments such as physical, occupational, or cognitive behavioral therapies. Medscape Medical News source

Clinicians May Not Prescribe New Postpartum Depression Drug

The 14-day oral medication for postpartum depression will be available soon, but will clinicians prescribe? Medscape Medical News source

AI Voice Analysis App May Detect Worsening HF Early

Voice analysis with an app that uses artificial intelligence may provide early warning of acute decompensated heart failure, researchers suggest. But these are early days, a cardiologist cautions. Medscape Medical News source

Questionnaire Measures Patient Satisfaction With Acne Treatment

A dermatology-specific questionnaire assessed three aspects of treatment in patients with acne. Medscape Medical News source

Circadian Calorie-Burning Cycles Altered in Obesity

Among people with obesity, the lowest point of energy expenditure is not during sleeping hours, as seen in those without obesity. Medscape Medical News source

New Trials in GI Cancers: Could Your Patient Benefit?

Maybe one of your patients can join a new clinical trial in noncolorectal gastrointestinal cancer? Medscape Medical News source

Do Patients Follow Up on Referrals After Telehealth Visits?

How many patients follow through on your recommendations after they've completed their visit? Does it make a difference whether you've seen them in person or virtually? Experts offer tips for improving compliance after telehealth visits. Medscape Medical News source

UHC Accused of Using AI to Skirt Doctor Orders, Deny Claims

A class action suit alleges that UnitedHealthcare's reliance on algorithms shortchanged nursing home patients in Medicare Advantage plans and violated doctors' orders. Medscape Medical News source

GLP-1 RAs Tied to Suboptimal Bowel Prep, Repeat Colonoscopy

For every 14 patients on a GLP-1 RA undergoing colonoscopy, one patient would require a repeat procedure owing to inadequate prep, results indicate. Medscape Medical News source

Lebrikizumab gets the nod for treating moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis in Europe

Lebrikizumab, an interleukin-13 inhibitor, is not yet approved in the United States. MDedge News source

Use the Stool! Fecal Transplants Help Kids With C Diff

The American Academy of Pediatrics endorsed fecal transplants to eliminate a particular infection in children and called for more research about other uses. Medscape Medical News source

Bariatric surgery and other AAP recommendations for children with obesity

A recent article in The New York Times Magazine profiled a 16 year-old girl with severe obesity who underwent bariatric surgery at a children’s hospital in Texas. In January 2023, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) published a clinical practice guideline that suggested referring all children 13 years and older with a body mass index (BMI) greater than or equal to 120% of the 95th percentile for age and sex for bariatric surgery evaluations. Although only a tiny fraction of eligible U.S. adolescents undergo surgery, the number of procedures increased from fewer than 800 in 2016 to 1,349 in 2021 . (In comparison, more than 200,000 adults had bariatric surgery in 2021.) In an editorial in the October issue of American Family Physician, Dr. Kathryn McKenna and I analyzed the quality and quantity of evidence supporting the AAP guideline recommendations. Notably, few studies have evaluated short-term outcomes of the most commonly performed metabolic surgery procedures in adoles

New Consensus Guide on Rare Drug Hypersensitivity Reaction

Experts provided parameters to help clinicians, but they acknowledged the limited evidence base for drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms. Medscape Medical News source

Sleep Woes Tied to Emotional Exhaustion in Healthcare Workers

New research spotlights the impact that individual healthcare worker’s actions can have on burnout, an aspect that is often overlooked in current discussions regarding professional well-being. Medscape Medical News source

Unexplained Collapse Unveils Rare Blood Disorder

After recovering from COVID-19, a woman was discovered unconscious at her workplace, triggering a series of events culminating in an unforeseen diagnosis. Medscape Medical News source

Women Stroke Survivors Fear Disparity in Emergency Care

Women with a history of stroke voice their experiences with emergency care, reflecting the challenges they face and the urgent necessity for more equitable healthcare delivery. Medscape Medical News source

Certain NSCLC Subgroups May Not Benefit From Immunotherapy

A comprehensive study exploring NSCLC subgroup responses to immunotherapy may help determine which patients are less likely to benefit from these agents. Medscape Medical News source

ChatGPT Gives Incorrect Answers About EoE

ChatGPT provides a mix of accurate and inaccurate information to common questions about eosinophilic esophagitis, according to a new study. Medscape Medical News source

Physician-Mayo Clinic Dispute Raises Free Speech Concerns

A Minnesota institution reportedly ordered a doctor to stick to "prescribed messaging" after his controversial comments. Now, the physician is suing his employer, alleging retaliation and interference. Medscape Medical News source

F-Hb Concentration at FIT May Help Define Screening Interval

Shorter colorectal cancer screening intervals may be appropriate for patients with higher fecal hemoglobin concentrations on fecal immunochemical testing. Medscape Medical News source

Project Optimus Aims to Transform Early Cancer Research

The FDA has launched Project Optimus to dramatically overhaul how oncology therapies are developed in clinical trials, with investigational blood cancer drugs taking center stage in this effort. MDedge News source

People With Diabetes Have a Higher Risk of Colon Cancer

People with diabetes had a 47% increased risk of getting colorectal cancer compared with people without diabetes. WebMD Health News source

CKD-EPI eGFR Formula Surpasses Alternatives in Young Adults

The two alternative formulas for calculating eGFR, the CKiD U25 and the European Kidney Function Consortium equations, showed higher levels of bias that resulted in underestimates of kidney function. MDedge News source

Isothiazolinone Allergy Common, Often to Multiple Allergens

Many people in North America appear to be allergic to one or more of a family of preservatives used in personal care products and household cleaners implicated in the global spread of allergic contact dermatitis. Medscape Medical News source

Spinal Cord Stimulator Restores Parkinson Patient's Gait

A first-in-human clinical trial shows that a spinal cord stimulator improved gait, balance, and quality of life in a patient with Parkinson's disease who had severe locomotor deficits. Medscape Medical News source

New Insights Into How Omega-3 Fatty Acids Improve NASH

Omega-3 fatty acids downregulate expression of betacellulin in patients with NASH, providing a potential new avenue for prevention and treatment, a study has found. Medscape Medical News source

GLP-1 RAs: How to Manage Real-World GI Complications

Although GLP-1 receptor agonists are transforming the treatment of diabetes and obesity, gastroenterologists increasingly are being called upon to manage the side effects of these medications. Medscape Medical News source

CPPD Nomenclature Is Sore Subject for Gout Group

Since 2011, the nomenclature guidelines have been cited hundreds of times, but a new report finds that the medical literature mostly hasn’t followed the recommendations. MDedge News source

How Does Smoking Cause Cancer?

'Stop-gain' mutations interfere with the function of tumor suppressors, making it easier for cancer to take hold. Medscape Medical News source

Salt Intake Associated With Increased Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Adding salt to food was linked to increased diabetes risk, even after adjustments. Medscape Medical News source

Dropping Aspirin Cuts Bleeding in LVAD Patients

A randomized trial evaluating vitamin K therapy with aspirin or placebo with a left ventricular assist device shows avoiding aspirin reduced bleeding without increasing thrombotic risk. Medscape Medical News source

Blood Pressure Lowering Reduces Dementia Risk

Blood Pressure Lowering Reduces Dementia Risk Medscape Medical News source

Pregnancies With Low Anti-SSA/Ro: Forgo Heart Monitoring?

The ongoing prospective multicenter trial is the largest of its kind. Medscape Medical News source

Apixaban Cuts Stroke But Ups Bleeding in Subclinical AF

Further analyses from the ARTESIA study and the previous NOAH-AFNET 6 trial are needed to try to identify groups where the benefit may outweigh the risk, researchers say. Medscape Medical News source

In MI With Anemia, Results May Favor Liberal Transfusion

Although the primary outcome was not statistically different between a liberal and more restrictive transfusion strategy, secondary results suggest some advantages for the liberal approach. Medscape Medical News source

Angioplasty Finally Proven Beneficial in Stable Angina

The randomized ORBITA-2 trial, unlike the preceding ORBITA trial, shows benefit for percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with stable angina. Medscape Medical News source

What Happens if You Get Both COVID and Flu (or RSV) at Once?

Despite our prevention efforts, some unlucky few may contract not just one of these viruses, but two at once or in close succession during the winter season. WebMD Health News source

Semaglutide 'A New Pathway' to CVD Risk Reduction: SELECT

The weight loss drug showed a consistent reduction in major cardiovascular events over a 3-year follow up in patients with a history of heart disease who were overweight or obese. Medscape Medical News source

FDA Approves First Drug for Rare, Deadly Clotting Disorder

Adzynma is the first treatment to become available for patients with congenital thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. Medscape Medical News source

UK Facing Projected Major Surge in Dementia Cases

New projections call for the number of dementia cases in England and Wales to nearly double by 2040, reaching 1.7 million, a significant increase over prior estimates. Medscape Medical News source

Obinutuzumab Promotes Renal Preservation in Lupus Nephritis

A post hoc analysis of the NOBILITY trial showed improved outcomes for patients taking obinutuzumab (Gazyva) compared with placebo. Medscape Medical News source

High Levels of Concern About ED Boarding Crisis

Poll reveals 80% of adults worried about emergency department wait times and boarding crisis. Experts stress the urgent need for reform. Medscape Medical News source

Playing It Rough: How Injuries Hit High School Band Members

Is marching band a sport? Believe it or not, band members get injuries similar to those in other sports. WebMD Health News source

US Study Finds Unexpectedly High Prevalence of MG

The prevalence is higher than what has been seen in other studies, which could represent a true difference in prevalence, or reflect limitations of the database. MDedge News source

WHO Offers Recommendations for AI Guidelines in Healthcare

Experts emphasize the importance of training AI systems on reliable data and of checking the systems’ safety and efficacy. Medscape Medical News source

Guidance on GLP-1 Receptor Agonists Prior to Endoscopy

Popular new glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists require some preprocedural considerations but not necessarily discontinuation of the drugs to support the success of endoscopic procedures. MDedge News source

EMR Prompt Boosts Albuminuria Measurement in T2D

"There was an immediate and ongoing effect over a year." However, CKD screening rates in the primary care setting remain a challenge. MDedge News source

Particulate Pollution Increases the Risk for Breast Cancer

Unlike previous research, a recent study examines exposure to fine particulate matter pollution at home and at the workplace. Medscape Medical News source

Pervasive 'Forever Chemicals' Linked to Thyroid Cancer?

A small study suggests that environmental PFAS exposure may raise the risk for thyroid cancer. But a biostatistician who reviewed the findings is not convinced. Medscape Medical News source

FDA Warns About Over-the-Counter Glucose-Lowering Product

Now-discontinued "Dr. Ergin's SugarMD Advanced Glucose Support" was found to contain glyburide and metformin, which are only available by prescription. Medscape Medical News source

Beware of Popular Online Liver Supplements, Doctors Say

The 10 best-selling liver health supplements on Amazon bring in an estimated $2.5 million each month. But none of them contain ingredients recommended by doctors who treat liver issues. WebMD Health News source

Pediatric Mental Health Crisis Soars Despite Pandemic in NYC

A study delves into the lasting impact of COVID-19 on pediatric mental health, providing valuable insights into targeted interventions and support. Medscape Medical News source

Enhanced Nasal Suction Makes Little Difference in Infant Bronchiolitis

New research aims to answer some of the most basic, yet critical, problems about the management of infants with bronchiolitis discharged from the emergency department. Medscape Medical News source

Early Cryoprecipitate Fails to Improve Trauma Hemorrhage Outcomes

Despite high hopes for early cryoprecipitate intervention, the CRYOSTAT-2 study reveals it doesn't significantly enhance outcomes in patients with trauma. Medscape Medical News source

Menopausal Hormone Therapy Less Prescribed for Black Women

"Gaps in treatment can be used to inform healthcare providers about menopausal HT prescribing disparities, with the goal of improving equitable and advanced patient care among disadvantaged populations." MDedge News source

Piperacillin-Tazobactam Poses No Renal Risk in Adults With Sepsis

Comparing safety profiles of piperacillin-tazobactam and cefepime could help in choosing the safer empirical therapy for emergency department patients with suspected sepsis, suggests a new JAMA study. Medscape Medical News source

AI Tool Flags Anxiety, Depression in Healthcare Workers

An artificial intelligence tool effectively detected psychological distress in hospital workers early in the pandemic and may be a new way to screen for mental health issues in healthcare workers. Medscape Medical News source

AI App Can Do Biomechanical Analysis in Minutes

From sports injuries to arthritis, movement analysis that used to take days can be done in 10 minutes — potentially improving patient outcomes while uncovering mysteries of human mobility. Medscape Medical News source

ADC Shows Survival Benefit in Mets Cervical Cancer

The antibody-drug conjugate tisotumab vedotin led to improved outcomes compared with chemotherapy in second- or third-line treatment of recurrent/metastatic cervical cancer. MDedge News source

Study Finds Ruxolitinib Effective, Safe for Children With AD

There were no significant safety signals in the younger pediatric population, and 'no treatment-emergent adverse events suggestive of systemic JAK inhibition,' Dr Lawrence Eichenfield said. MDedge News source

MD Contests Mandatory Cognitive Tests for Older Docs

An ophthalmologist claims Michigan health system committed age discrimination in a new lawsuit. Medscape Medical News source

The Many Surprising Medical Uses of AI 'Companion' Robots

More and more people are using companion robots to boost social connection, mental support, and overall health. The science suggests it’s more than a gimmick. WebMD Health News source

Women More Likely to Have Obesity in Lower-Income Countries

The disparities appear highest in Sub-Saharan Africa, where some studies report as much as a 10-fold higher rate among women. Medscape Medical News source